AfP statement in support of Black Lives Matter


We in Academics for Palestine stand in solidarity with those protesting racist violence and injustice, particularly our colleagues in the USA as well as our comrades of colour who are leading the anti-racist movements here in Ireland.  We denounce anti-black racism everywhere, in all its forms, including that which gave rise to the recent US police murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and so many others before them. We call for an end to the structural injustices and systemic State violence that perpetuate the cycle of discrimination, inequality and hatred.

This is the time for radical change, the time to end the toxic and enduring legacies of colonialism, slavery and segregation rooted in notions of white supremacy. Now is the time to transform the political, economic, and social systems developed to privilege a few at the cost of many.

As Academics for Palestine we recognise the power of connecting emancipatory struggles and we make common cause with those struggling for justice. Black Lives Matter!

Academics for Palestine, Ireland, June 2020